Free 10 Map
Proof of Concept

Offer good until end of
December 2011
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X-Link Engine

X-Link Engine Conversions

Free Proof of Concept!
Contact us today for pricing or to learn all about the X-Link Conversion.

  • Easy Simply and securely FTP your .map files to H7, H7 will convert and return .MXL files.
  • Fast Conversion usually done the same day.
  • Finalization H7 has mappers available to assist in finalization and testing.
  • No Pressure Rather finalize and test on your own. No problem.
  • Support H7 will answer questions on finalization if your mappers have problems.

X-Link Details

Has your company has found the business need to migrate to Sterling Commerce's newest flagship brand, Gentran Integration Suite? If so, you are likely finding that you are competing for and raising the price on all the same high priced map conversion consultants. Or maybe you are placing your trust in the lower cost, lower oversight of off-shore labor.

H7 Technology Group can eliminate, in most cases, over 90-95% of the map conversion process with our X-Link Engine automated conversion.

H7 Group has developed the revolutionary X-Link Engine. With this map converter, we can take your .map files from Gentran 5.x and convert to a .mxl usable in Gentran Integration Suite.

The process is very simple. You send us your .map files via FTP or even email and we will return your .mxl files within approximately one day. That's right, one day. A recent benchmark had 500 maps converted in just over 19 minutes or just over 2 seconds per map.

Your company will still be responsible for loading the maps into GIS and unit testing, but the initial mapping will be complete.

Consider this example:
You are likely paying $1000-$2000 for 10-25 hours of consulting (or internal resources) per map. This includes approximately 9-24 hours of the initial mapping and about 1 hour of unit testing and map finalization per map. Take away that initial 9-24 hours and have only one or maybe two hours at $50-$100+ for that unit testing and finalization. Now you are getting 5-8 maps done per resource per day vs one every day or two.

This conversion will drastically cut your conversion price and conversion time.
